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No Flats for the KBike!?
One of the questions I get asked the most (besides "when will you be selling more KBikes?"!) is do you have no flat tires for the KBike?...
Mindy Schroder
Jun 28, 2023

Do I need to order a second set of KBike shafts for my other pony?
I've been getting lots of emails and messages from people who have purchased a KBike in the last two batches. There is some confusion...
Mindy Schroder
Sep 18, 2022

Let's Spread Some Love! Pony Products
I love sharing what others make. Spreading some joy and love all around the pony community. We are all just trying to make enough money...
Mindy Schroder
Jul 30, 2022

What type of harness do I need for my Kbike?
I get this question at least once a week. The answer is: A Pleasure Style Harness. This is because the line of draft on a KBike is fairly...
Mindy Schroder
Jul 24, 2022

Perfecting Your KBike Balance
Last weekend, Handsome Hubby and I, made a video showing how to perfect your KBike balance by adjusting your shafts. I do some trouble...
Mindy Schroder
May 23, 2022

Using the Footbasket with the KBike
The KBike is a beautiful, clever little bike. With the ability to use it as a training cart -with the footbasket -and to go sledding-...
Mindy Schroder
Apr 7, 2022

Sledding with the KBike!
Yesterday we finally got to put the snow mobile skis on the Kbike! It was so much fun to sled around with it. Zorro has had several...
Mindy Schroder
Dec 25, 2021

What is Balance?
I know I talk about cart balance on here quite a bit. Two wheeled carts must be balanced properly to ensure BOTH the human and the pony...
Mindy Schroder
Dec 9, 2021

Why the KBike?
I have been asked over and over: Why the KBike? So, let me explain: To put it simply, the KBike is designed and built for the PONY. This...
Mindy Schroder
Nov 22, 2021

The Comparison!
The long awaited video is here... the comparison between the Hyperbike and the KBike. Are they alike? Yes. Are the also different? YES!...
Mindy Schroder
Aug 8, 2021

The KBike!!
You guys! I am so excited about this new miniature horse/small pony vehicle! And, yes, it does resemble the Hyperbike... but it fits...
Mindy Schroder
Aug 2, 2021

Thinking about carts
I am sitting here thinking about driving ponies. I know! That must be such a surprise. Something that has been rolling around in my mind...
Mindy Schroder
Feb 1, 2020

Pairing Harnesses and Vehicles
I get a lot of questions if this type wondering if my harness will work with their vehicle...
Mindy Schroder
Sep 17, 2019

The thoughts and ideas shared on this blog are mine and mine only.
Mindy Schroder
Aug 22, 2018
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